Repository dedicated to participation in Kottans frontend course
1.1. Course Version Control with Git
Before starting this course i didn't know anything about Git. So everything was new for me. I can say I was learning Git from zero.
I learned how to:
- use commands
- add commits
- branch
- merge
- add changes into repository
- create and delete tags and branches
- switch between branches
This online course is very good because it has a lot of visual information which is much easier to remember. I will keep to myself
2.1 Course Linux Survival (4 modules)
What was new Everything was new for me. It's my first Linux study. It wasn't easy but for that I have my notes here. At this course I learned many new commands:
- lists the contents -
- to create a repository -
- to move/rename a file -
- change directories -
- (print working directories) to find out where you are -
- displays contents of a file -
- remove directoryI didn't use Linux before. In the beggining of the course i didn't know what to expect from this OS. Finally is not very dificult just I will need to practice it more
2.2 HTTP
Information in this article was comprehensive. Also this information was new for me. I knew just some information in general about HTTP.
3.1 Course GitHub & Collaboration
- What was new for me This part was very interesting for me.
I learned new information about forks. To get commits from a source repository into forked repository on GitHub I need to:
- Get the cloneable URL of the source repository
- Create a new remote with the git remote add command
- Use the shortname upstream to point to the source repository
- Provide the URL of the source repository
- Fetch the new upstream remote
- Merge the upstream's branch into a local branch
- Push the newly updated local branch to your origin repo
I was surprised how many different and useful commands that I can do with git rebase. I'm sure that most of the commands I will use in future.
After that I had practice with LearnGitBranching It was very helpful to understand Git commands:
- How branches works
- How to work with remote repos
- How to work in team with Git
- Git fetch command
This course LearnGitBranching was reat! Lots of practice what helps to memorise everything.