Contra is a small functional programming language designed to automate the process of finding algebraic counter-examples with property-based testing.
With Contra, you can define properties and check them automatically without the need to write a generator by hand. In particular, can check properties that take user-defined algebraic data types. Even mutually recursive ones!
Contra uses SMT solvers (currently Z3 via the Haskell library SBV) behind the scenes to actually find the counterexamples.
Its main contribution, and the reason you might find using Contra to be easier than using QuickCheck or SBV directly, is that Contra has a completely regular ML-style syntax, which is purposefully similar to Haskell's, and you don't need to learn any special syntax to get started.
Note that the interpreter and REPL support recursive functions, but the property-checker (using SMT solving) does not.
This repo includes a file contra/app/MainPretty.hs
which is a version of Contra that uses Unicode symbols. This is prettier, but not supported by all terminals. If you do have Unicode support where you plan to run Contra, you can build and install as normal, but use the executable called contra-pretty
instead of contra
. If you want the executable to be simply contra
, you can rename the target executables in ./package.yaml
before building.
You need to have both the SMT solver Z3 and the Haskell build tool Stack installed.
With Z3 and Stack installed, you can clone the repo, using either HTTPS or SSH:
# with HTTPS:
git clone
# with SSH:
git clone
Navigate to the cloned contra
Build with Stack, optionally using the --pedantic
stack build
Test with Stack, optionally using the --pedantic
stack test
Install with Stack:
stack install
This should install an executable called contra
on your system.
If you're not familiar with property-based testing, there are examples
in the ./examples
folder in this repository. I can also recommend
reading John Hughes' paper Experiences With QuickCheck: Testing the
Hard Stuff and Staying
Write a program with some properties, then, with Contra installed, check all the properties with:
contra --check <program-name>.con
Like a normal programming language, you can also execute Contra programs. By default, Contra looks for a function called main
and executes it if it exists.
contra <program-name>.con
This prototype also comes with a rudimentary REPL. Start a blank interactive session by typing just contra
Load files into the REPL with :l <filename>.con
and quit with :q
You can save function definitions (and nullary functions/constants) for the session by using the special syntax def x = ...
# blank REPL session
You can ask Contra to parse and type-check a program and print out the syntax-desugared version of your program.
# parse, type-check and print program
contra --type <program-name>.con
See version info.
contra --version
And ask to see all available options.
contra --help
The design and implementation of Contra were part of my MSc thesis at the University of Oslo, delivered May 15, 2024. I was supervised by Michael Kirkedal Thomsen and Joachim Tilsted Kristensen. I'm deeply grateful to them for their help and guidance.
The thesis text is reproduced here as a PDF at ./thesis.pdf
Contra is built based on the pioneering property-based testing tool, QuickCheck.
The underlying machinery in Contra uses the SMT solver Z3.
The particular solver library chosen for this implementation is the Haskell package sbv.
Suggested extensions and improvements after thesis delivery:
- Pad pretty printed output to right-justify "OK"/"FAIL"/"Unknown"
- Remove the need for alpha renaming from type-inference algorithm
- Implement pretty printer for check results using Parsec instead of string manipulation
- Check for pattern-exhaustion in case-statements
- Support uninterpreted functions in property-checker
- (Template) polymorphism
- Termination checker
- Mode for producing different counterexamples - force SMT solver to keep producing new values