A cluster vizualization library that can render hundreds of thousands of nodes. Based on this excellent article
You should have a look at the demo.
The nodes are loading very slowly in the demo because of my hosting plan, it should be much faster locally
To install, run
npm install cluster-viz -S
yarn add cluster-viz
Look in the demo folder for an example of how to use.
Basically the steps are as follows. Initialize your ClusterViz instance
const viz = new ClusterViz({
elementId: '#myChart',
createAnnotation: (node) => ({
note: {
label: node.label
bgPadding: 15,
title: node.title
dx: 20,
dy: 20
nodeColor: (node) => {
return `rgb(10, 10, 10)`;
nodeSize: 1,
annotationType: 'annotationLabel'
After that, you can add nodes to your viz
// x and y should be between -1 and 1
x: 0,
y: 0,
label: "Some label",
title: "Some title"
To render the clusters, run
You can do this either every time you add new nodes or at the end, or whenever really, it is your choice.
To add colors to your cluster view, run
// After that, draw again
This should only be done when all nodes have been loaded, as this can be somewhat expensive.
Also, remember to have a <div id="myChart">
In the root, run
yarn && yarn build
then cd into the demo folder and run
and then
yarn dev
will start the demo app locally