This repository contains the following legal documents:
- Master Service Agreement: A model of the primary contract we use with our clients for design/development projects and service packages. We add to this document a "Statement of Work" defining the scope of each individual project. Both the MSA and the Statement of Work must be signed by the client before we begin a project.
- Terms of Use: The primary terms governing the use of our websites and online services.
- Privacy Policy: How we handle personally identifying information about our customers/clients, readers, and our client end-users.
- Acceptable Use Policy: Defining what you are not allowed to do on our websites, with our online services, or with the work we produce for our clients.
- DMCA Policy: How to get in touch with us to either (a) inform us of some work included in a website we've designed or are hosting that violates your intellectual property rights or (b) inform us that something we've taken down was not actually protected (a counter notice).
- Confidential and Proprietary Information Policy: Defining the kinds of information we protect on behalf of our clients and expect them to protect on our behalf.
The documents themselves are located in /src/docs. This repository is built with GatsbyJS and intended for deployment as a static website.
Though these documents are written for our own internal use, you are free to copy and/or modify them for your own use. THEY ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WE MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THEIR FITNESS FOR YOUR USE (OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE). YOU USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK.
For an overview of the project structure please refer to the Gatsby documentation - Building with Components