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Sparkledge documentation

This repo is the repo where frontend code of the Sparkledge app is kept.
The main branch is the master branch, where the final version of code created on side branches is stored.

Getting started

To run the project on your machine, download the source code aviable in this repo. After that, run npm install in your console to install all of packages needed to launch the app. Then, propt npm start and open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


To properly run the app, certain environmental variables are required. Ask the owner of the repository for the file with the variables.

Technologies used

Sparkledge frontend application is built with React.JS library, Typescript language and Redux state container.
For designing the interface, styled-components and material UI packages are in use.
To maintain the connection with the backend of Sparkledge web service, application uses axios library.
Full list of used packages and libraries can be found in package.json file.

Project structure

All of the source files necessary to make the Sparkledge work correctly are stored in the src directory and public directory.

Source directory

In the src directory, which stores all of the application mechanics, files are divided into the following categories and are kept in the according folders:


In this folder, you can find all of the non-coding static resources like images, photos and background patterns. All of the graphical content should be saved into .webp file in order to reduce the weigh of recources and to improve loading speed of application.


This is the directory where all of the components used to build the application are stored.
The components folder contains main.tsx file, which is a "root file" of the project. By that, we mean the fact that main.tsx establishes app routing and provides graphical mode data. Apart from that, in the components folder, there are three folders:


Here all of the page views are kept.


The directory in which all components used for building the page views are stored.


If any sub-component requires a defragmentation, the code written to achieve that is placed in this folder.


In this directory, all of the coding static data are kept. For example, the file about.ts, containing the data about the Sparkledge's staff that are later displayed in the about subpage.


Here all of the files dealing with the redux mechanics are hold. The directory contains two files and three subdirectories. In the store.ts, the redux store is established with the usage of the main reducer that is created in the mainReducer.ts file.
In mainReducer.ts, all of the sub-reducers are combined into one. Then, with using typeof keyword, the type of main reducer is provided and exported to the application.\

Moreover, the redux directory contains the following sub-folders:


In this subdirectory, redux actions are encoded and stored.


Here, all of the sub-reducers are kept.


In this folder, all of the types (names of the actions and all of other staff that is not meant to be changed during the usage of the app) is kept. The types are created in order to prevent errors caused by typos in the name of actions.
To know more, check the redux official site.


This directory contains all of the files that are used to built the application GUI with the styled-components library. The structure should be created exactly like the components directory in order to not make the project hard-to-read. If needed, code meant for components/helperComponents components can be stored in a files placed in styled/subcomponents.
The directory consists of main.tsx file and two subdirectories: subpages and subcomponents.
In the main.tsx file, all of the graphical interface is configured in two JSON objects: LightMode and DarkMode, which are used accordingly to the graphical mode chosen by the user. Also, the MainContainer section and the main preloader are defined in this file.

Public directory

In the public directory, the files responsible for displaying the application (index.html file and <div id="root"></div> DOM element) and converting the Sparkledge to PWA (progressive web application), which makes it possible to use Sparkledge on mobile devices just like a regular mobile application.
The files serviceWorker.js, offline.html and manifest.json are responsible for correct functioning of PWA. The _redirects file is there in order to prevent certain Netlify hosting platform errors.

Summing up

If you need any additional informations, contact Szymon Kupisz or write to us on


A students app for sharing studying materials with each other







No releases published


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Contributors 4

