My Final Project was to create an instructional webpage using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
In my Electronics class in college, I had a hard time understanding how a capacitor worked. Then in my Physics class, we learned how it works from a physical perspective, and suddenly it made sense! So I wanted to help others understand, too.
This representation is from an electrical current (amps) perspective. So the plus signs represent the current flowing. Technically, it is the electrons (negatively charged particles) that are flowing, and they are flowing in the opposite direction of the plus signs. However, for someone who is trying to understand a capacitor from an electrical perspective, this representation will make more sense. So while technically not 100% accurate, it is appropriate for the intended audience. A day may come when the standards of the electrical community change, when the direction of current flow matches that of the electrons, BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!
The lesson page includes an animated representation of a capacitor, and how it behaves when connected to a power source (a battery in this case) or a light bulb. To advance through the stages of the lesson, follow the directions at the end of the explanation. This involves clicking on the battery or the lightbulb, depending on the current stage (pun intended).
The quiz page is a simple quiz with a few multiple choice questions about what whas taught in the lesson. After completing the quiz, clicking on the "Submit" button will display the results.