A clone of the Windows 10 calculator app.
This was my first, fully unguided, JavaScript project. My goal was to practice OOP and test my logical coding skills.
I reverse engineered the functionality of the Windows 10 calculator and implemented those logical patterns in my clone. I did leave out the fraction, square, and square root buttons in order to eliminate some complexity.
Styling was not a focus of this project and therefore the UI is clean and functional but not beautiful.
✅ JavaScript
- Clone the repo
- In the project directory run
$ npm install
- Start up the dev-server
$ npm run dev
- In your browser visit -> localhost:8080
$ ctrl + c
$ y
$ enter
- Website - Spencer Schoeneman
Day 1
- Fill out basic HTML and CSS
- Work to set up Webpack and Dev Server
Day 2
- Work to set up Webpack and Dev Server
Day 3
- Added some logic to button class
- Succeeded in getting Webpack and Dev Server working as desired
Day 4
- Added 'App' class
- Added 'Calculator' module
- Began adding calculator logic
- In the process of restructuring 'Calculator' class
Day 5
- Finished restructuring 'Calculator' class
- Altered 'operator-button' class
- Successfully implemented basic calculator funcionality
- Began restructuring logic flow to allow for better/more advanced funcionality
Day 6
- Successfully restructured logic for "+", "-", "X", "/" operations to mimic the Windows calculator
- Succesfully added functionality of "C", "CE", and "<=" buttons
- Started adding functionality for "=" button
Day 7
- Successfully added logic for nearly all applications of "=" button
- Added "equalsHelper" method to eliminate redundency in, and increase the readability of, "equals" method
- Cleaned up un-needed code in Calculator, OperatorButton, and NumberButton classes
- Made notes of some bugs that will be addressed next session
Day 8
- Fixed bugs within "CE" and "C" logic
- Added logic to prevent division by 0
- Added functionality for adding a decimal to numbers
- Added logic to limit only one decimal can be added to a number
- Added logic to recognize when the decimal in a number has been removed using "backspace" and will then allow a new decimal to be added
Day 9
- Began adding logic for "+/-" button
- Mostly successful. Found a few tricky situations to straighten out
- Added new static "negate" method to "Util" class
Day 10
- Completed logic for "+/-" button and for "." as it relates to "+/-"
- Began planning for "%" button logic
Day 11
- Began adding logic for "%" button
- Successfully added functionality for three use scenarios
- Need to work on logic for three more scenarios
- Added new static "getPercent" method to "Util" class
Day 12
- Completed functionality for all buttons
- Added "percentHelper" method to "Calculator" class
- Cleaned up old comment code
- Added "output" class module
- Add functionality so calculator output would be displayed on the screen
- Added HistoryEntry module/class
- Started adding logic to create and display history entries...needs work
Day 13
- Attempted to get equasion history to render to the screen
- Looked at two different guides for this type of DOM manipulation. My code is not working the same as the code in the guides. I do not know why.
Day 14
- Successfully got equasion history entries to render to the screen
- Added functionality to "clear" button to clear all history entries from the history UL
- Began working on functionality to click on a history entry and have the calculator repopulate with that equasion's info
- Refactored "renderOperand" and "renderEquasion" methods of the "Output" class to return data instead of assigning it to global properties. This allowed me to re-use "renderEquasion" in the "render" method of the "HistoryEntry" class
Day 15
- Successfully added functionality to click on a history entry and have the calculator repopulate with that equasion's info
- Added styling to history entries
- Put a max limit on how many digits long an operand can be
- Added logic to shink the font size of the main output to prevent the text from crossing the boundries of its area
- Contained number text inside of each history entry
- Added scrolling to overflow of the history column
- Fixed some last minute bugs
Day 16
- Re-ordered methods inside "calculator" class for improve readability
- Removed all "console.log()" lines