Backend interface for Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station.
This project allows owners of a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station to access, store, view and use weather data collected by the DavisVP2. It aligns with the technical specifications and protocols of the manufacturer's Serial Communication Reference Manual. It is designed to run locally on a secured network. Users need physical access to the Davis Vantage Pro 2 console and a Davos datalogger (or equivalent). The companion Davis Frontend uses this project's endpoints.
It implements:
A custom binary parser to convert binary weather data to human-readable information
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) of binary information whenever applicable
Scheduled, regular polling of the VP2 to collect weather data
JDBC interface for a persistent PostgreSQL database of all weather station data
Apache Tomcat webserver for API
Custom REST API with JSON formatting and numerous endpoints
Transactions with the United States Census Bureau Geocoder API to get the latitude and longitude of a given address
Transactions with the United States' National Weather Service API for latitude and longitude-based forecasts
Local cache of default address for faster forecast delivery
SpringBoot and Spring annotations
Separate database of weather alarms
JSerialComm library for serial communications
The weather endpoint uses GET. See list of current weather data sent by this endpoint.
Endpoint name Description /weather Delivers all current weather data including but not limited to wind (speed, direction gust, average, high), humidity, temperature, rain (rate, last hour, total) /weather/new Delivers most recent weather data from the database The record endpoint uses GET and delivers weather info from the database. See list of aggreggate weather variables delivered.
Endpoint name Description /record/day/{offset} Gives aggregate weather information of a day offset from today. /record/header/{headerName} Returns a hashmap of (key: each hour of the past 24 hours) and (value: header's value at the time) The forecast endpoint provides the 5 day day/night forecast from the United States Weather Service for a geolocation (United States of America only).
Endpoint name Description /forecast GET method. Gives forecasts for the default address /forecast/latLon POST method. Gives forecasts for a latitude and longitude coordinate String. (e.g "latLon":"33.9764, -118.2164") /forecast/address POST method. Gives forecasts for a vald USA residential street address. /forecast/default/address POST method. Gives forecasts for a valid USA residential street address, and sets the address as default for forecasts. /forecast/default/latLon POST method. Gives forecasts for a latitude and longitude coordinate String, and sets the latLon as default for forecasts. With each GET call, the currentData endpoint also delivers a user-friendly text response, confirmation of the command used, and any error messages.
Endpoint name Description /vp2/currentData/LOOP Raw binary LOOP data /vp2/currentData/LPS Raw binary LOOP2 data The testing endpoint also delivers a user-friendly text response, description of the test, confirmation of the command sent to the console, and any error messages. Uses GET.
Endpoint name Description /vp2/testing/TEST Responds with "TEST" /vp2/testing/RXCHECK Provides total packets received, total packets missed, number of resynchronizations, the largest number of packets received in a row., and the number of CRC errors detected /vp2/testing/RXTEST Responds with "OK" /vp2/testing/VER Responds with current VP2 firmware date /vp2/testing/RECEIVERS Binary of "Stations Received" /vp2/testing/NVER Responds with current VP2 firmware version number The settings endpoint gets and sets serial port settings, includng selection of serial port.
Endpoint name Description /vp2/settings/ GET method. COM port info (system name, path, description), baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity, write timeout, read timeout /vp2/settings/ POST method. Sets baud rate, timeout mode, read timeout, write timeout, COM port, then replies with GET method response. List of variables delivered with /weather endpoint:
Temperature Humidity Wind inside_temperature inside_humidity wind_speed outside_temperature outside_humidity wind_direction extra_temperature1 extra_humidity1 ten_min_avg_wind_speed extra_temperature2 extra_humidity2 two_min_avg_wind_speed extra_temperature3 extra_humidity3 ten_min_wind_gust extra_temperature4 extra_humidity4 wind_direction_for_the_ten_minute_wind_gust extra_temperature5 extra_humidity5 extra_temperature6 extra_humidity6 extra_temperature7 extra_humidity7 Environmental Rain Agriculture dew_point daily_rain extra_temperature (1-7) heat_index rain_rate soil_temperature (1-4) wind_chill last_fifteen_min_rain leaf_temperature (1-4) thsw_index last_hour_rain extra_humidity (1-7) uv storm_rain soil_moisture (1-4) day_ET start_date_of_current_storm leaf_wetness (1-4) month_ET month_rain year_ET year_rain solar_radiation Misc barometer bar_trend forecast_icon List of variables delivered with /record/day/{offset}:
Variable Name Additional Description temperatureHigh temperatureLow temperatureAvg temperatureChange highest temperature minus lowest temperature humidityAvg humidityLow humidityHigh totalRain total rain for the day barometerHigh barometerLow windHigh windAvg windGust distinct from windHigh accumulatedRain sum of all rain since this day, including this day All variables related to Current Weather are stored in the database. In addition, the following are stored:
Console Alarms Calbration time_of_sunrise rain_alarms barometric_reduction_method time_of_sunset inside_alarms user_entered_barometric_offset transmitter_battery_status outside_alarms (1-2) barometric_calibration_number console_battery_voltage soil_leaf_alarms (1-4) barometric_sensor_raw_reading forecast_rule_number extra_temp_hum_alarms (1-7) altimeter_setting index_to_the_minute_within_an_hour outside_humidity_alarms absolute_barometric_pressure Display next_ten_min_wind_speed_graph_pointer next_fifteen_min_wind_speed_graph_pointer next_hourly_wind_speed_graph_pointer next_daily_wind_speed_graph_pointer next_minute_rain_graph_pointer next_rain_storm_graph_pointer next_monthly_rain next_yearly_rain next_seasonal_rain