Openwrt firmware bulk builder for multiple routers
- x86_64 platform
- Ubuntu, Debian, or other Linux
- You need to install the necessary software
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler subversion build-essential git-core libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip git wget
Open your set variables profiles - which firmware you want to build? name of the profile you can get from column “device specs” in remove brand name just - for example for GL.INET GL-AR150 column values are “gl.inet_gl-ar150”, so the profile name will be “gl-ar150” run bash / in your VirtualBox or Ubuntu- it will compile all profiles, plz check params inside if you running it the first time, or you switched OpenWRT to a later version - run the script 2 times => it will download related files
profiles=(gl-mt300n-v2 zbt-we1326 zbt-wr8305rt zbt-wg3526-16M)