A CLI and Phantom.js library for HTML_CodeSniffer
Install this plugin with npm install access-sniff
then use it in your project with
var accessSniff = require('access-sniff');
var files = ['**/*.html'];
accessSniff.start(files, options);
or install the module globally and type
sniff test/**/*.html -r json -l reports
AccessSniff can test both locally hosted files and websites.
sniff http://statamic.com/ -r json -l reports
You can pass the following options
is a string
options: {
accessibilityLevel: 'WCAG2A'
Levels are WCAG2A
, and WCAG2AAA
is a boolean
options: {
accessibilityrc: true
Set to true to access a .accessibilityrc file in your project which should be layed out as:
"ignore": [
is a array
You can ignore rules by placing them in an array outlined below
options: {
ignore : [
is a string
options: {
reportType: 'json'
Text, CSV or JSON format output
- 'txt' will output text files
- 'json' will output .json files
- 'csv' will output csv
is a string
options: {
reportLocation : 'reports'
Set the value to where you want reports created
is a object
options: {
reportLevels: {
notice: true,
warning: true,
error: true
Set a value to false
to limit output
is a boolean
options: {
verbose: false
Output messages to console, set to true by default
is a boolean
options: {
domElement: false
Include reference (tag name, class names & id) to reported elements. Optional for both output formats.
is a boolean
options: {
force: true
Continue running grunt in the event of failures
You can use the CLI component by installing it globally with npm install -g access-sniff
sniff test/**/*.html -r json -l reports
sniff test/**/*.html -r csv -l reports
sniff test/**/*.html -r txt -l reports
or -reportType
txt, csv, json.
or -reportLocation
or -quiet