command for Splunk allows import of datasets found on and directly into Splunk for further processing and analysis. Gain instant access to thousands unique data sets!
This project is hosted on GitHub, see
App installation is simple, and only needs to be present on the search head. Documentation around app installation can be found at
socrata offers many open and private datasets; some can be accessed anonymously, while others will require an API key. More information regarding finding datasets and obtaining the socrata API key can be found at
Note: If a particular static/historic dataset is used in search, it is suggested to create a saved search that will run on a set interval of time, such that outputs of socrata
command will output to a CSV file to be used as lookup.
The command was tested on Splunk 6.3+ on CentOS Linux 7.1. Splunk python is used, without other dependencies, therefore command should work on other Splunk supported platforms.
socrata (<options>)* (<auth_key>)? <socrata_api_endpoint>
The socrata_api_endpoint can be represented in two different ways:
- Direct API endpoint, such as
- If the endpoint is hosted at, it can be referred to by the dataset ID as
Instructions on locating API endpoint is outlined at
Command implements arguments listed below. There are two types of arguments for this command, debug, metadata, append that are unique to the command, rest are SODA API supported arguments; see full description and usage detail at
debug=<bool> | append=<bool> | metadata=<bool> | auth_token=<socrata_auth_token> | limit=<int> | offset=<int> | select=<SoQL_select_clause> | where=<SoQL_where_clause> | order=<SoQL_order_by_clause> | group=<SoQL_group_by_clause> | q=<SoQL_clause> | query=<SoQL_clause>
- debug - enables verbose logging to socrata.log, see troubleshooting section. defaults false.
- metadata - returns metadata about the dataset. defaults false
- append - if set to true, the data returned is appended to the current set of results rather than replacing it. defaults false
- auth_token - socrata app token, see
- limit - limits the number of rows returned. note: socrata default limit is set to 1,000 rows. see
- offset - see
- select - see
- where - see and
- order - see
- group - see
- q - see
- query - see
- Will pull down "Precipitation RadNet Laboratory Analysis" dataset, using socrata auth_token of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX; auth_token option overwrites the default configured key.
... | socrata auth_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- Will pull down "Food Inspections in Chicago" dataset, filtering to failed restaurant inspections with violations containing keyword "rodent" with row limit of 50,000
... | socrata limit=50000 where="results='Fail' AND facility_type='Restaurant' AND contains(violations, 'rodent')"
- Using metadata option will return dataset metadata information as described on for list of locations in NE Illinois, NW Indiana, and SE Wisconsin where alternative vehicle fuels are available.
... | socrata metadata=true
- Using the debug option will enable additional logging on the command to help troubleshoot data set pulls. See troubleshooting section.
... | socrata debug=1
- It is also possible to pass in Splunk variables from previously executed commands. This example will store WHERE filter clause in a variable to be passed to the socrata command, then write output to CSV file.
| localop | stats count | eval my_where="material_family = 'Hazardous Material'" | socrata limit=20000 where=my_where | outputlookup inputlookup_ny_state_spills.csv
- Graph food inspection failures in Chicago area restaurants involving rodents by risk (screenshot example)
| socrata where="results='Fail' AND facility_type='Restaurant' AND contains(violations, 'rodent')"
| makemv delim="|" violations | eval entity=dba_name." (". license_ . ")"
| geostats latfield=location_latitude longfield=location_longitude dc(entity) by risk
This command writes log data to $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/socrata.log, meaning that data is also ingested into Splunk. Magic, I know. Try searching:
index=_internal sourcetype=socrata
When debug level logging is required, pass in debug=true or debug=1 argument to the command. This will display enhanced logging in Splunk UI and the log file.
... | socrata debug=1 e2xy-undq
- socrata is a registered trademark of
- Splunk is a registered trademark of Splunk, Inc.