Sprawne Miasto is a platform that allows you to report problems of public infrastructure.
We are students of the Secondary and Technical School Complex No. 1 in Warsaw, as well as great enthusiasts of programming. In our spare time, we like to get involved in helping the local community. We decided to combine our passions and create the Sprawne Miasto.
Report > Handle > Fix.
Sprawne Miasto is a social project aimed at improving communication between local governments and residents. For this purpose, we provide a free platform for reporting public infrastructure defects for both the commune and users.
Sprawne Miasto is a social project aimed at providing a free public infrastructure fault reporting system. For this reason, we are looking for companies and organizations interested in supporting the project. We are open to all kinds of cooperation.
- Mail: contact@sprawnemiasto.pl
- Facebook: Sprawne Miasto
- Twitter: @SMiasto