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Datadog Agent release for BOSH

  • For all stemcells (Python source implementation)
  • Automatically defines tags based on deployments, names and jobs
  • Process, network, ntp and disk integrations by default
  • Monit processes are added automatically to process integration
  • You can define additional integrations


Upload the release to Bosh director

Create a runtime-config.yaml file:

- name: datadog-agent
  version: 1

- name: dd-agent
  - name: dd-agent
    release: datadog-agent
      use_dogstatsd: yes
      api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      tags: ["pe", "bosh", "bosh:bosh-exp"]

  owner: pe

Upload runtime-config to Bosh Director: bosh update runtime-config runtime-config.yaml

Re-deploy the deployments to automatically add the agent.

You can also add the release to the manifest and deploy it


After cloning this repository, run:

git submodule init
git submodule update

to update the gohai submodule. Gohai is a binary (golang) program used by Datadog Agent to collect basic information from the server. There is a script bosh_prepare which also runs the git submouldes commands and downloads all sources to the blobs directory:


It will get all sources specified in the packages/*/spec files (commented out) for local development, then you can create the release (final) with:


which will upload the tarball to github and make the new blobs public available in the S3 bucket


bosh_prepare ensures that gohai git submodule is populated in src/gohai. In order to avoid including a git package -only needed because of go get command to download the dependencies- the script runs go get locally to get all dependencies, so it is assuming you have go installed. After those dependencies were downloaded, the binary package can be compiled, but a new folder src/gohai/src appears, because of that bosh will complain about untracked git changes, but there are two workarounds:

  • use bosh create release --force
  • add to the .gitmodules file a config parameter for ignoring dirty state of the submodule: ignore = dirty

Here, the second option is used.


Springer Nature Platform Engineering, Jose Riguera Lopez (

Copyright 2017 Springer Nature


Apache 2.0 License