Javascript gradient creator
Used in other projects:
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var container = document.getElementById("somecontainer");
var gradientCreator = new GradientCreator(container);
gradientCreator.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
// event.type = "change"
console.log(event.gradient); // event gradient is an object explained below
On a change this will output something like:
"type": "linear",
"stops": [
{"pos": 0.000, "color": tinycolor()},
{"pos": 0.481, "color": tinycolor()}
The type can be either linear or radial. Color is hex8, position is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive. You should not assume that because the change event has fired that something did in fact change.
// Spectrum Colorpicker v1.6.0
// Author: Brian Grinstead
// License: MIT
Spectrum requires jQuery, so that is needed aswell.
If you do not want to load jQuery you can switch out spectrum to another color picker.
By default if removed it will use the browsers