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Frontend Coding Exercise using Crossref

We would like you to build a small web application displaying job listings using Angular (version 8 or higher). Your web app should use Crossref’s public API, a link about Crossref and their documentation is provided below. Please feel free to use other technologies as you see fit. You have complete creative control over how the web app looks and functions.

Once you have completed this exercise, please answer the follow up questions below. Be sure to save your answers in a single markdown file named and send your recruiter a link to the Github repository.

Task Requirements

Feel free to spend as much or as little time on the exercise as you like as long as you complete the Minimum User Story below. If time allows, feel free to complete the Preferred User Stories as well. Please be sure to include unit tests for all User Story features implemented.

API Documentation

Make sure to follow Crossref’s public API etiquette guidelines

Minimum User Story

As a user of the web app
I can view a paginated list of works (academic articles, publications, etc) from Crossref’s API
So that I can know what articles are currently available
As a user
When I interact with the app
It should be accessible

Preferred User Stories (including the minimum, required for senior level positions)

As a user of the web app
I can search the content of works from Crossref’s API
So that I can easily find the kind of work’s I am looking for
As a user of the web app
I can click on a work from Crossref’s API
So that I can view more details about the academic work

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Commit everything to a public Github repository
  2. Send the Github repository link to your recruiter

Follow Up Questions:

  1. What libraries did you use? Why did you use them?
  2. If you had more time, what further improvements or new features would you add?
  3. Which parts are you most proud of? And why?
  4. Which parts did you spend the most time with? What did you find most difficult?