MY RESUME This repository contains the HTML and CSS code for my personal resume. The resume showcases my educational background, projects, skills, and coding profiles, with enhanced styling for a better visual presentation.
Features Profile Information: Displays my name and a brief summary. Education: Lists my educational qualifications. Projects: Highlights key projects I have worked on. Skills: Details my technical skills in programming, web technologies, databases, data science, and cloud technologies. Coding Profiles: Links to my coding profiles on various platforms. Footer: Contains copyright information.
Technologies Used HTML CSS
How to View Clone this repository or download the HTML and CSS files. Open the index.html file in any web browser to view the resume.
Author Name: Sri Maha Kulandaivelu Contact:
License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Acknowledgments Thanks to all the resources and tutorials that helped me learn HTML, CSS, and web development.