Installation steps
- Update submodules
git submodule update --recursive --init
- Install acados
# Navigate to acados folder
cd <repository-path>/FiGS-Examples/FiGS/acados/
# Compile
mkdir -p build
cd build
make install -j4
# Add acados paths to bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"<acados_root>/lib"
export ACADOS_SOURCE_DIR="<acados_root>"
- Setup conda environment (in the main directory)
# Navigate to environment config location
cd <repository-path>/FiGS-Examples/
# Create and activate
conda env create -f environment_x86.yml
conda activate figs-env
- Download Example GSplats
# Navigate to gsplats parent folder
cd <repository-path>/FiGS-Examples/
# Use gdown to download
gdown --folder --remaining-ok
# Alternatively, you can download the zip-ed file below and unpack the contents (capture and workspace) into the gsplats folder