With this project, I have learned and practiced:
- ThreeJS - a powerful 3D graphics library for rendering and animating the 3D model.
- React Three Fiber - a popular library for creating 3D graphics with ThreeJS in React.
- TailwindCSS - a popular utility-first CSS styling framework.
- Framer Motion - the most popular library used to bring your React website to life with animations.
How to: - Load, create and customize stunning 3D models and geometries with various lights, as well as understand the 3D world with a camera and positioning of an object in space.
- Make your code reusable and scalable using Higher Order Components (HOCs) and other industry-standard best practices.
- Implement sending emails through a form on the website.
- Ensure responsiveness across all devices and improve your site's performance using Suspense and Preload.
3D Models: sketchfab.com
Email: emailjs.com