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JIRA module for Puppet

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with JIRA
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  8. Testing - How to test the JIRA module
  9. Contributors


This module allows you to install, upgrade and manage Atlassian JIRA.

Module Description

This module installs/upgrades Atlassian's Enterprise Issue Tracking and project management tool. The JIRA module also manages the JIRA configuration files with Puppet.


JIRA Prerequisites

  • JIRA requires a Java Developers Kit (JDK) or Java Run-time Environment (JRE) platform to be installed on your server's operating system. Oracle JDK / JRE (formerly Sun JDK / JRE) versions 8 (and 11 since JIRA 8.2) are currently supported by Atlassian. OpenJDK version 8 (and 11 since JIRA 8.2) are supported as well - Atlassian recommends to use AdoptOpenJDK to get better support

  • JIRA requires a relational database to store its issue data. This module currently supports PostgreSQL and MySQL and Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. We suggest using puppetlabs-postgresql/puppetlabs-mysql modules to configure/manage the database. The module uses PostgreSQL as a default.

  • Whilst not required, for production use we recommend using nginx/apache as a reverse proxy to JIRA. We suggest using the puppet/nginx puppet module.

  • On RHEL 8 and variants, you may experience SELinux denials if you use a custom installation directory that is not under /opt. To fix this, add an fcontext equivalence between /opt and your desired directory: semanage fcontext -a /apps/jira -e /opt and run restorecon.

What JIRA affects

If installing to an existing JIRA instance, it is your responsibility to backup your database. We also recommend that you backup your JIRA home directory and that you align your current JIRA version with the version you intend to use with puppet JIRA module.

You must have your database setup with the account user that JIRA will use. This can be done using the puppetlabs-postgresql and puppetlabs-mysql modules.

When using this module to upgrade JIRA, please make sure you have a database/JIRA home backup.

When using MySQL, We call the jira::mysql_connector class to install the MySQL java connector directory from as per Atlassian's documented recommendations.

Beginning with JIRA

This puppet module will automatically download the JIRA archive from Atlassian and extracts it into /opt/jira/atlassian-jira-$version. The default JIRA home is /home/jira, though you are encouraged to change this.

If you would prefer to use Hiera then see jira.yaml file for an example.

Basic example

  # Java 11 is managed externally and installed in /opt/java
  class { 'jira':
    javahome     => '/opt/java',

The module can install a package for you using your OS's package manager. Note that there's no smarts here. You need to set javahome correctly.

  # this example works on RHEL
  class { 'jira':
    java_package  => 'java-11-openjdk-headless'
    javahome      => '/usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-opendjk/',


Upgrades to JIRA

Jira can be upgraded by incrementing this version number. This will STOP the running instance of Jira and attempt to upgrade. You should take caution when doing large version upgrades. Always backup your database and your home directory.

  class { 'jira':
    java_package  => 'java-11-openjdk-headless'
    javahome      => '/usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-opendjk/',
    version     => '8.16.0',


A more complex example

    class { 'jira':
      version                      => '8.13.5',
      installdir                   => '/opt/atlassian-jira',
      homedir                      => '/opt/atlassian-jira/jira-home',
      user                         => 'jira',
      group                        => 'jira',
      dbpassword                   => 'secret',
      dbserver                     => 'localhost',
      java_package                 => 'java-11-openjdk-headless',
      javahome                     => '/usr/lib/jvm/jre-11-openjdk/',
      download_url                 => 'http://myserver/pub/development-tools/atlassian/',
      tomcat_additional_connectors => {
        # Define two additional connectors, listening on port 8081 and 8082
        8081 => {
          'relaxedPathChars'      => '[]|',
          'relaxedQueryChars'     => '[]|{}^\`"<>',
          'maxThreads'            => '150',
          'minSpareThreads'       => '25',
          'connectionTimeout'     => '20000',
          'enableLookups'         => 'false',
          'maxHttpHeaderSize'     => '8192',
          'protocol'              => 'HTTP/1.1',
          'useBodyEncodingForURI' => 'true',
          'redirectPort'          => '8443',
          'acceptCount'           => '100',
          'disableUploadTimeout'  => 'true',
          'bindOnInit'            => 'false',
        # This additional connector is configured for access from a reverse proxy
        8082 => {
          'relaxedPathChars'      => '[]|',
          'relaxedQueryChars'     => '[]|{}^\`"<>',
          'maxThreads'            => '150',
          'minSpareThreads'       => '25',
          'connectionTimeout'     => '20000',
          'enableLookups'         => 'false',
          'maxHttpHeaderSize'     => '8192',
          'protocol'              => 'HTTP/1.1',
          'useBodyEncodingForURI' => 'true',
          'redirectPort'          => '8443',
          'acceptCount'           => '100',
          'disableUploadTimeout'  => 'true',
          'bindOnInit'            => 'false',
          'proxyName'             => '',
          'proxyPort'             => '443',
          'scheme'                => 'https',
          'secure'                => true,

Hiera examples

jira::version:       '8.13.5'
# parent directories must exist
jira::installdir:    '/opt/atlassian/atlassian-jira'
jira::homedir:       '/opt/atlassian/application-data/jira-home'
jira::user:          'jira'
jira::group:         'jira'
jira::shell:         '/bin/bash'
jira::dbserver:      ''
jira::javahome:      '/opt/java'
jira::java_opts: >-
jira::dbport:        '5439'
jira::dbuser:        'jira'
jira::jvm_xms:       '1G'
jira::jvm_xmx:       '3G'
jira::service_manage: false
  - ''
  - ''
  scheme:    'https'
  proxyName: ''
  proxyPort: '443'
jira::contextpath: '/jira'
    relaxedPathChars: '[]|'
    relaxedQueryChars: '[]|{}^\`"<>'
    maxThreads: '150'
    minSpareThreads: '25'
    connectionTimeout: '20000'
    enableLookups: 'false'
    maxHttpHeaderSize: '8192'
    protocol: 'HTTP/1.1'
    useBodyEncodingForURI: 'true'
    redirectPort: '8443'
    acceptCount: '100'
    disableUploadTimeout: 'true'
    bindOnInit: 'false'

These additional and substituted parameters are used in production in an traditional enterprise environment with an Oracle 11g remote database and Oracle 8 JDK. Your mileage may vary.

jira::db:            'oracle'
jira::dbname:        '<dbname>'
jira::dbport:        '1526'
jira::dbdriver:      'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'
jira::dbtype:        'oracle10g'
jira::dburl:         'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<dbname>'
jira::javahome:      '/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-x64'

Reverse proxy can be configured as a hash as part of the JIRA resource

   proxy          => {
     scheme       => 'https',
     proxyName    => '',
     proxyPort    => '443',


  • Puppet 6.1.0
  • Puppet Enterprise

The puppetlabs repositories can be found at: and

  • RedHat 7, 8 or compatible (CentOS, Oracle Linux, etc)

  • Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04

  • Jira 8.x

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

The databases below should work, but are not tested. YMMV.

  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server with JTDS driver (included in non-WAR version)


Please feel free to raise any issues here for bug fixes. We also welcome feature requests. Feel free to make a pull request for anything and we make the effort to review and merge. We prefer with tests if possible.

Testing - How to test the JIRA module

Using puppetlabs_spec_helper. Simply run:

bundle install && bundle exec rake spec

to get results.

ruby -S rspec spec/classes/jira_install_spec.rb --color

Finished in 0.38159 seconds
1 example, 0 failures

Using Beaker - Puppet Labs cloud enabled acceptance testing tool..

The beaker tests will install oracle Java to /opt/java. When running the beaker tests you agree that you accept the oracle java license.

bundle install
BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-12042-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-1404-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=debian-73-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=centos-64-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=centos-70-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=centos-64-x64-pe bundle exec rake beaker

To save build time it is useful to host the installation files locally on a web server. You can use the download_url environment variable to overwrite the default.

export download_url="'http://my.local.server/'"


The list of contributors can be found here


No packages published


  • Ruby 60.8%
  • Puppet 36.5%
  • Shell 2.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.5%