This repository contains details of this AMWA Specification, including Node, Registration and Query APIs, and requirements for Nodes for registry-based and peer-to-peer discovery. with supporting documentation and examples
Readers are advised to be familiar with:
- The JT-NM Reference Architecture (
- The overview of Networked Media Open Specifications
Readers should read the documentation in this repository, starting with the Overview, and then look at the APIs, which are written in RAML and JSON Schema (if a suitable tool for reading RAML is not available, then this will create HTML versions).
It is recommended that the tagged releases are used as a reference for development as opposed to the 'master' or development branches of this repository.
Each version of the specification is available under a v<#MAJOR>.<#MINOR> tag such as 'v1.0'. Once a specification has been released, any updates to its documentation and schemas which do not modify the specification will be made available via a v<#MAJOR>.<#MINOR>.<#UPDATE> tag such as 'v1.0.1'.
- -- This file
- docs/1.0. -- Documentation targeting those implementing APIs and clients. Further topics are covered within the docs/ directory
- APIs/NodeAPI.raml -- Normative specification of the NMOS Node API
- APIs/RegistrationAPI.raml -- Normative specification of the NMOS Registration API
- APIs/QueryAPI.raml -- Normative specification of the NMOS Query API
- APIs/schemas/ -- JSON schemas used by API specifications
- APIs/generateHTML -- Tool to create HTML browsable version of the API specifications. Requires raml2html (
- examples/ -- Example JSON requests and responses for APIs
- LICENSE -- Licenses for software and text documents
- NOTICE -- Disclaimer