- Clone the repo to your local computer
- Open Visual Studio or an IDE of your choice
- In FileDistributionService\FileDistributionService\appsettings.json in ConnectionStrings in DefaultConnection enter your desired server name where the db will be hosted
- In Solution Explorer set your startup project to be FileDistributionService
- In the Package Manager Console choose the default project to be Persistence
- Run:
- Add-Migration Initial
- Update-Database
- Once the database has been created you can start the back end API project
- From Visual Studio Code or from command prompt navigate to "FileDistributionService\file-distribution-service-ui" folder
- Run "npm i" in the console
- in appsettings.json change the value of apiendpoint key to your API endpoint. For example "https://localhost:7040/api/"
- Then run "npm start"
- The front end app will open in your default broswer
- Login with username and password from the file FileDistributionService/Controllers/AccountController.cs. You can also use "admin", "admin" as default
- Now you can use the app