- Install Docker: you can find the instructions for installing Docker on the official website.
- Ensure you have Python 3.x on your system by running
python --version
- Install this package
$ pip install docker-games
- Create your server's configuration in a new Python file
- Enjoy!
from docker_games import Minecraft
minecraft = Minecraft('creepers_go_boom', '2GB', '/home/stefano/mc_data')
minecraft.add_ports(25565, 25565)
minecraft.accept_license() # <-- accept Minecraft's EULA
minecraft.online_mode() # <-- server checks connecting players against Minecraft account database
Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/itzg/minecraft-server
from docker_games import Factorio
factorio = Factorio('flying_robots', '/home/stefano/factorio_data')
factorio.add_ports(34197, '34197/udp')
factorio.add_ports(27015, '27015/tcp')
Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/factoriotools/factorio
from docker_games import TeamSpeak
teamspeak = TeamSpeak('tsserver', '/tmp/ts_data')
teamspeak.add_ports(9987, '9987/udp')
teamspeak.add_ports(10011, 10011)
teamspeak.add_ports(30033, 30033)
teamspeak.accept_license() # <-- accept TeamSpeak's license
Docker image: https://hub.docker.com/_/teamspeak
Contributions are very welcome!
If you want to improve this project, or add more server, fork the repo and submit a pull request.