Automatic recovery of GoldenGate Microservices Distribution Paths statistics (secured deployment)
This utility allows you to monitor Oracle GoldenGate Microservices distribution paths in secure deployment mode. The GoldenGate Distribution service presents the data transfer activity contained in the trails in real time, but it does not offer historical metrics. Here, it will be possible to keep for analysis the following information from the distribution paths of all the deployments of a service manager:
- Date and time of measurement
- Deployment name
- Distribution Path Name
- Status
- Lag
- Number of inserts
- Number of updates
- Number of deletes
- Total number of rows
- sendWaitTime
- recvWaitTime
- totalBytesSent
- totalMsgsSent
- Trail number in: inputSequence
- Rba of trail in: inputOffset
- Trail out number: outputSequence
- Rba of trail out: outputOffset
This tool connects to a GoldenGate Service Manager and will go through all the deployments to analyze all the distribution paths of all these deployments.
JDK 1.8 minimum
Have the file in the same directory as the jar file
The file contains the following settings:
oggUrl: https connection string to the GoldenGate Service Manager
defaultDir: directory for generating the Distribution Path statistics file
Example :
Two ways to launch the program:
With prompt for mandatory paramters :
java -jar goldenGateDistributionPath.jar
And enter the user and password of the GoldenGate Service Manager, the name of the properties file and the statistics refresh frequency in seconds If the frequency is less than 10 seconds, it will automatically be repositioned to 10 seconds.
With the parameters in the command line :
java -jar goldenGateDistributionPathSecure.jar OGG_user OGG_pwd Frequency_in_seconds
Example :
java -jar goldenGateDistributionPathSecure.jar oggadmin oggadmin oggConnect 30