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StephenCleary edited this page Sep 5, 2014 · 1 revision


CancellationTokenHelpers provides the operations Normalize, FromTask, and Timeout; and provides a couple of constants None and Canceled.

Normalize takes any number of CancellationTokens, removes any that cannot be canceled, and returns the optimum NormalizedCancellationToken. If none of the CancellationTokens can be cancelled, Normalize returns a NormalizedCancellationToken wrapping CancellationToken.None; if exactly one of the CancellationTokens can be cancelled, Normalize returns a NormalizedCancellationToken wrapping that one; otherwise, Normalize uses CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource to link the input CancellationTokens into a single NormalizedCancellationToken.

FromTask returns a NormalizedCancellationToken that is canceled when the specified task completes. It doesn't matter how the task completes: whether successfully, canceled, or faulted, the CancellationToken will still be canceled.


// Helper methods for cancellation tokens.
public static class CancellationTokenHelpers
  // A cancellation token that is never cancelled.
  public static CancellationToken None { get; }

  // A cancellation token that is already cancelled.
  public static CancellationToken Canceled { get; }

  // Creates a cancellation token that is canceled after the due time.
  public static NormalizedCancellationToken Timeout(TimeSpan dueTime);
  public static NormalizedCancellationToken Timeout(int dueTime);

  // Reduces a set of cancellation tokens to a single cancellation token,
  //    removing any cancellation tokens that cannot be canceled.
  public static NormalizedCancellationToken Normalize(params CancellationToken[] cancellationTokens);
  public static NormalizedCancellationToken Normalize(IEnumerable<CancellationToken> cancellationTokens);

  // Creates a cancellation token that is canceled when the provided Task completes.
  public static NormalizedCancellationToken FromTask(Task source);
  public static NormalizedCancellationToken FromTask(Task source, TaskContinuationOptions continuationOptions);

// A CancellationToken that may or may not also reference its own CancellationTokenSource.
// Instances of this type should always be disposed.
public sealed class NormalizedCancellationToken : IDisposable
  // Creates a normalized cancellation token that can never be canceled.
  public NormalizedCancellationToken();

  // Creates a normalized cancellation token from a CancellationTokenSource.
  public NormalizedCancellationToken(CancellationTokenSource cts);

  // Creates a normalized cancellation token from a CancellationToken.
  public NormalizedCancellationToken(CancellationToken token);

  // Gets the CancellationToken for this normalized cancellation token.
  public CancellationToken Token { get; }

  // Releases any resources used by this normalized cancellation token.
  public void Dispose();

Platform Support

The full API is supported on all platforms.