My first attempt in making a complete website which happens to be a simple minesweeper web game - first made in CodePen.
This is a repo where I put a copy of it and I'm also using this to practice using Git and Github.
Here's the full website on CodePen.
Here's the one with Its code.
That's all I have to say, now I'll use this readme file to practice markdown syntax
one asterisk on both sides for italics ? alright.
double asterisk on both sides for bold ? got it.
three asterisk for bold AND italics ??? yessir.
damn alright, add a ">" symbol at the start of a paragraph for blockquotes.
woah ">>" for a nested one ? damnn alright.
- Dashes asterisks and plus symbols for lists...
- can also use numbers for an ordered list... and 4 consecutive spaces or a tab for an indent.
nc nc
printf("nice stuff.");
code blocks with 4 space indents or enclose it with triple backticks and optionaly specify its language for syntax highlighting ?
<h1>html header be like :</h1>
woah how nice :)
The text to be linked are enclosed with [ ] immidiately followed by a ( ) to enclose the link.
Here's where I learned this :( )
Markdown Syntax Guide
"To quickly turn a URL or email address into a link, enclose it in angle brackets." :
It can also be formatted like usual
"formatted with two sets of brackets. The first set of brackets surrounds the text that should appear linked. The second set of brackets displays a label used to point to the link you’re storing elsewhere in your document."
"The second part of a reference-style link is formatted with the following attributes:
- The label, in brackets, followed immediately by a colon and at least one space (e.g., [ label ]: ).
- The URL for the link, which you can optionally enclose in angle brackets.
- The optional title for the link, which you can enclose in double quotes, single quotes, or parentheses."
"To add an image, add an exclamation mark ( ! ), followed by alt text in brackets, and the path or URL to the image asset in parentheses. You can optionally add a title in quotation marks after the path or URL."
"To add a link to an image, enclose the Markdown for the image in brackets, and then add the link in parentheses."