- Express JS
- jQuery
- Ajax
- Postgres
- Non logged in users can see all the maps in the database
- Logged in users can see their profile
- Logged in users can filer maps by contributions, favourites, all
- Logged in users can delete maps they have created
- Logged in users can mark any map as a favourite
- Logged in users can create a new map and search for a particular place
- Maps can be satelite or street views
- Logged in users can double click on a map to drop a point
- Logged in users can right click on a point and Update: Name, Description, Rating
- Logged in users can save and delete points
- Logged in users can change the 'Name Your Map' to a custom name and save a map
- Install dependencies using the
npm install
command. - Create database & load details into .env
- Run:
npm run db:reset
- Load Google Maps API key into: views/partials/header.ejs, views/map.ejs & user.ejs
- Start the MAPit-api using the
npm start
command. - The app will be served at http://localhost:8080/.
- body-parser: 1.19.0
- chalk: 2.4.2
- cookie-session: 1.4.0
- dotenv: 2.0.0
- ejs: 2.6.2
- express: 4.17.1
- morgan: 1.9.1
- node-sass-middleware: 0.11.0
- pg: 6.4.2
- nodemon: 1.19.1