PHPinit is a handful of OOP models that can be easily integrated to your web-project for extended functionality. Now I will probably be beaten for calling this OOP, cause it doesn't follow the OOP standard per se. OOP often represent Objects from the real world - Or data members - whereas these models is more function/method based. Resource models if you like.
You can see the models in action on
Below you will find a quick introduction to each individual model.
- Base64
- Client
- Connection
- Crud
- Crypto
- Curl
- Database Builder
- Dir
- Image
- Login
- Mailer
- Open Weather Map
- Random
- Sanitizer
- Search and Replace
- Sftp
- Singleton
- Time
- Tls
- Umoji
- Upload
- Validators
URL friendly Base64 encode/decode methods.
Get client IP, browser language and current URL.
An empty connection model.
Create, Read, Update and Delete (database).
Encrypt/decrypt strings, using AES.
Make Curl requests to your server. PUT/POST Json Encode/Decode requests.
Create/drop/check databases, tables and rows.
Scan dir (ls) and recursively remove folders and content.
Create thumbnails with ease.
Easy login/logout integration.
Sends E-mails.
Get the weather details from OpenWeatherMap's API.
Create random strings.
Sanitize your strings. Be aware that this should not be used for sanitizing database values.
Search and Replace functions - Encapsulate a string section inside an element i.e.
Secure FTP. This requires an additional module to be installed (php-ssh2).
An empty, ready to use Singleton. A Singleton will only be loaded once.
Create timestamps. Also have a greeting method, which response according to the time of day.
(Re)connect with SSL/TLS (HTTPS).
Unicode emojis.
Easy to integrate upload method.
Validate common data, such as String, Integer, IP and URL.