Is a 2D opengl game engine with editor and scripting.
- C++ 17.
- Python (3.x) as scripting language.
- Dynamic rendering
- Simple
- No bloat
- Audio system
- Build system
- Support for Linux, Android
- 2D physics
- Lighting
- Premake5
- ImGui
- stb_image
- pybind_11
- ImGuiColorTextEdit
- glm
- yaml-cpp
- spdlog
- Glad
- Portable_File_Dialogs
- Freetype
- Earcut.hpp
- msdfgen
First, you need download premake5 and drop it in the project foldel and type in the console.
./premake5.exe vs2019
This will generate a vs solution file and all the projects.
First, delete a line of code in Engine/src/RoraymaEngine/Plataform.hh
#elif __linux__
this -----> #error blablabla
./premake5 gmake2
This will generate MakeFile. And for compile type.
Once it finish compiling, a folder named bin will be create with the binary, then you must drop from the Editor folder imgui.ini, keys_map.yaml, window_config.yaml, assets to where is the binary.
Why you use mac??????????????????
This project still in developing.