Releases: StoreFactory/zoho-subscription-api
Releases · StoreFactory/zoho-subscription-api
Added method to get hosted page by id
Fixed customer creation
Fix getCustomerByEmail
Merge pull request #17 from StoreFactory/feature/YP-3387 throw an exception when customer is not found
Refactored old functionality and added a new one
Merge pull request #16 from StoreFactory/feature/YP-3231 Diverses fix and new endpoint for zoho library
Api call fix to subscription
Merge pull request #15 from WondersLabCorporation/pull_request_customer createSubscription bugfix
Bumped php version to 5.4 min
Merge pull request #14 from StoreFactory/feature/better-readme Better readme, min php version
Bug fix when creating a customer
Merge pull request #13 from WondersLabCorporation/pull_request_customer Create customer bugfix. Second parameter was missing.
First release
v0.0.1 Update composer.json