TinyUrl – application, which converts the full, long URL into a shortened form.
The project is aimed at practical learning, implementing the knowledge gained in Tomasz Woliński's courses - JOP (Java from scratch) and EAI (Efficient Internet Applications). The application being developed is used to convert a long URL given by the user into a shortened form (modelled on platforms such as Bitly.com, Rebrandly.com, TinyURL.com, among others). The application is based on the REST architecture and the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) model.
The following tools are required to start the application:
To run this project, please clone this repository and create a local copy on your computer.
After download the project, configure your database and db server by following these steps:
Create a PostgreSQL database connection using Docker by running the following command in the command line:
docker run --name postgrestinyurl -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
Connect with server:
Login: postgres
Password: password
Run Liquibase migrations to set up the database:
mvnw liquibase:create
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