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18.335 - Introduction to Numerical Methods course

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18.335J/6.337J: Introduction to Numerical Methods

This is the repository of course materials for the 18.335J/6.337J course at MIT, taught by Dr. Andrew Horning, in Spring 2022.


Lectures: Monday/Wednesday 11am–12:30pm in room 4-237

Office Hours: Tuesday @ 2pm and Wendesday @ 1pm in room 2-238C


Topics: Advanced introduction to numerical linear algebra and related numerical methods. Topics include direct and iterative methods for linear systems, eigenvalue decompositions and QR/SVD factorizations, stability and accuracy of numerical algorithms, the IEEE floating-point standard, sparse and structured matrices, and linear algebra software. Other topics may include memory hierarchies and the impact of caches on algorithms, nonlinear optimization, numerical integration, FFTs, and sensitivity analysis. Problem sets will involve use of Julia, a Matlab-like environment (little or no prior experience required; you will learn as you go).

Launch a Julia environment in the cloud: Binder

Prerequisites: Understanding of linear algebra (18.06, 18.700, or equivalents). 18.335 is a graduate-level subject, however, so much more mathematical maturity, ability to deal with abstractions and proofs, and general exposure to mathematics is assumed than for 18.06!

Textbook: The primary textbook for the course is Numerical Linear Algebra by Trefethen and Bau. (Readable online with MIT certificates.)

Other Reading: Previous terms can be found in branches of the 18335 git repository. The course notes from 18.335 in much earlier terms can be found on OpenCourseWare. For a review of iterative methods, the online books Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems (Barrett et al.) and Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems are useful surveys.

Grading: 40% problem sets (four psets due / released every other Friday), 30% take-home mid-term exam (first week of April), 30% final project (one-page proposal due Wednesday March 30, project due Monday May 9).

TA/grader: TBD

Collaboration policy: Talk to anyone you want to and read anything you want to, with three exceptions: First, you may not refer to homework solutions from the previous terms in which I taught 18.335. Second, make a solid effort to solve a problem on your own before discussing it with classmates or googling. Third, no matter whom you talk to or what you read, write up the solution on your own, without having their answer in front of you.

Final Projects: The final project will be an 8–15 page paper reviewing some interesting numerical algorithm not covered in the course. See the 18.335 final-projects page for more information, including topics from past semesters.


  • Pset 1 is due on Friday, February 18 at 12pm.

Lecture Summaries and Handouts

Lecture 1 (January 31)

This course is about Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) and related numerical methods. But why do we need NLA? How does it fit in to other areas of computational science and engineering (CSE)? Three simple examples illustrate how NLA problems arise naturally when solving problems drawn from across continuous applied mathematics.

  • Solving Poisson's equation: from charge density to electric potential. (Linear systems: LU and Cholesky, iterative methods.)
  • Schrodinger's equation: quantizing energy at the smallest scales. (Eigenvalue problems: QR algorithm, Krylov iterations.)
  • Dynamic Mode Decomposition: learning models from data. (Least squares: QR factorization, SVD.)

NLA is often applied in tandem with tools from other fields of mathematics: approximation theory, functional analysis, and statistics, to name a few. We'll focus on NLA, which is a computational workhorse within CSE.

Further Reading: L.N. Trefethen, The Definition of Numerical Analysis.

Lecture 2 (February 2)

To do linear algebra on a computer, we need to approximate real numbers and their arithmetic. Chasing significant digits leads us to floating point numbers, which have some excellent approximation properties:

  • For any real number x, there is a floating point x' that satisfies |x' - x| <= 0.5 |x| eps_mach. eps_mach is about 2.22e-16 in IEEE double precision.
  • For any two floating point numbers x and y, floating point arithmetic is equivalent to rounding the exact result to the nearest floating point number (we called this exact rounding).
  • The above two facts give us the "fundamental theorem of floating point arithmetic" (p. 99, Trefethen), which says the relative error in a single floating point operation (e.g., adding two floating point numbers) is no greater than eps_mach.

There are a few things to watch out for in floating point arithmetic: overflow and underflow (due to finite exponent), and catastrophic cancellation (when all significant digits cancel).

To develop reliable algorithms for numerical linear algebra, we'll need to understand how rounding errors can accumulate over many floating point operations. The fundamental theorem above will our key tool to understand and control error accumulation.

Further Reading: L. N. Trefethen, Lecture 13.

Lecture 3 (February 7)

The algorithms of NLA are usually implemented with floating point arithmetic, which introduces rounding errors. The accuracy of our algorithms depends crucially on how these rounding errors propagate and accumulate. Broadly, this will depend on the conditioning of the underlying problem and the stability of the algorithm.

  • Ideally, we might hope that the relative error in the output of our algorithms is "small" for any allowed input (forward stability). However, this is usually placing too much burden on the algorithm. Ill conditioned problems can be highly sensitive to perturbations in the input, so rounding errors in the input alone may cause large changes in the output, even if everything afterward is computed perfectly!
  • A fairer way to evaluate our algorithms is to compare them with this idealized algorithm that computes exactly with the rounded inputs. A backward stable algorithm computes an exact output for a perturbed input whose relative error is "small" (compared with the exact input).

Backward stable algorithms "give exactly the right answer to nearly the right question" (Trefethen, p. 104). For example, summing a set of floating point numbers by accumulating the partial sums is backward stable - it's as if we summed a slightly perturbed set of numbers in exact arithmetic. The beauty of backward stability analysis is that it separates inherent sensitivity in the problem from the stability of the algorithm used to solve it. Intuitively, backward stable algorithms provide accurate outputs when the problem is not too sensitive to perturbed inputs. To say more, we need to understand condition numbers, which attempt to quantify a problem's sensitivity.

Further Reading: L. N. Trefethen, Lectures 12, 14, and 15.

Lecture 4 (February 9)

The condition number k(x) of a problem quantifies how small perturbations in the inputs affect the outputs. If the condition number is large, small perturbations in the inputs can lead to very large changes in the outputs. We say that such problems are ill-conditioned. On the other hand, well-conditioned problems have modest condition numbers. Critically, k(x) is independent of the algorithm used to solve the problem on a computer. It is an inherent property of the mathematical problem (but may vary by a constant, depending on the norm used to measure perturbations).

  • For differentiable functions the condition number is the (scaled) norm of the Jacobian, the matrix of partial derivatives that governs the first-order linear response in the output.
  • The forward relative error for a backward stable algorithm is on the order of k(x) eps_mach (see the notes for the precise statement). In general, the backward error of an algorithm can be amplified by the condition number in the forward error.
  • For the summation of n real numbers, k(x) = 1 (in the 1-norm) when the summands are positive, but can be arbitrarily large when mixed signs lead to large cancellations.

Backward error analysis provides an elegant framework to evaluate the stability of an algorithm. To judge the accuracy of an algorithm's outputs, one then converts backward error bounds to forward error bounds through the condition number. This will be our guiding paradigm when we analyze the accuracy of NLA's foundational algorithms in the coming weeks.


18.335 - Introduction to Numerical Methods course






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