Standalone version of the b3cod4x library
To install follow the following steps
- Run
composer create-project stormyy/b3cod4x-standalone
- Fill in the database information and the APP_URL (Ex:, APP_NAME (Ex: LuVPortal) in .env in the root.
- Run migrate to install database
php artisan migrate
Now you should be good to go! Superadmin is:
Password: ChangeMeFast
Add you b3 server via the panel and you can use it straight away ;)
To turn on notifications you have to add the following settings
- Create a account on (Free sandbox one)
- Run
composer require pusher/pusher-php-server
- In .env set BROADCAST_DRIVER to pusher ALSO fill in the PUSHER variables in the buttom of the .env you can find these values @ the pusher website
- Enjoy :)
This project requires the following plugins to be installed in b3:
Plugin status Plugin chatlogger