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Kevin Primat edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 28 revisions

MVP - Prototype of marketplace

  • Database schemas created
  • Idea of how to show products in 3D environment
    • 20 3D models in mesh environment
  • Know where to get product images and information
  • Name found
    • Sphereable
  • Style Guide, Contributions, and Readme
  • Login and signup via Facebook working
  • Have all webpages designed, edited, and running
  • App deployed to AWS
  • MVP sent to Facebook for Open Graph application

MVP+1 (Monday, February 23)


  • Basic lighting, shadow, and camera set up
  • Basic 3D objects
  • Link environment to website
  • 3D objects to embed IDs, so we can link to Amazon products later
  • Have surrounding environment


  • Store from Amazon Product API to MongoDB
  • Schedule jobs to store from Amazon Product API to MongoDB


  • Store from MongoDB to CloudSearch
  • Schedule jobs to store from MongoDB to CloudSearch


  • Setup basic cloud server for the ProductAPP
  • Integrate with the same MongoDB instance as the MainAPP


  • Poll Amazon API for most related items and store them in MongoDB


  • Tests implemented for the shopping cart

MVP+2 - 3D world linked to Amazon (Monday, March 2)

  • Group aim for better documentation

Dev ops

  • Ability to filter products
  • Faceting (filter by price, category, or color)
  • Sorting
  • Paging


  • On object click, open a sliding in 'div'
  • Scene populated with 3D models
  • Water landscape with environment