Using the best API available on this side of the universe make a simple master detail app that allows the user to scroll through all the comics ever released and view details for each comic.
You will need to sign up for a free developer account with Marvel.
- When I open the application I want to see a grid of all Marvel’s released comic books
- When tapping on a comic it should open up a new screen showing the cover art full screen
Feel free to use whatever flare you can to show off your skills.
Don't spend more than 3 hours working on this. Don't worry if you don't get the task finished as we'd like to hear how you prioritised your time.
- Application must be developed in Kotlin with minimum Android SDK version of 21
- You are free to use whatever frameworks or tools you see fit
- Application needs to support device rotation
- Design should follow Material design guidelines
- Adaptability. We want to see how well you can develop for the different screen sizes.
- You create maintainable code
- You create testable code
- You care about the user experience
- You pay attention to detail
- You develop in a scalable manner
- The forked version of this repo