Calculates for warrents the price and greeks according to black scholes with a more human interface.
let params = {
priceUnderlying: 130,
strike: 130,
expiration: new Date("04-15-2022"),
volatility: 0.3,
riskFreeInterest: 0.12,
direction: Direction.PUT,
ratio: 1
console.log("omega:", new Warrant(params).omega)
console.log("Price:", new Warrant(params).price)
console.log("theta:", new Warrant(params).theta)
console.log("delta:", new Warrant(params).delta)
console.log("gamma:", new Warrant(params).gamma)
console.log("rho:", new Warrant(params).rho)
console.log("vega:", new Warrant(params).vega)
American pricing is still really inaccurate.