This repository provides an example of a parser for a simple programming language called Slang. The parser is implemented using Python, Pylasu and ANTLR - as discussed in the article "Implement Parsers with Pylasu".
The project also uses:
- pdm for dependency management and packaging;
- tox for task automation and orchestration;
- ruff for linting and formatting;
- sphinx for generating basic documentation;
Running pdm run tox
the following tasks will be executed:
- generate ANTLR Parser/Lexer;format
- format the source code;lint
- lint the source code;test
- run all unit tests;docs
- generate documentation;
Each tasks can also be executed singularly:
pdm run tox -e <task_name>
or with other specific ones:
pdm run tox -e <task_name_0>,...,<task_name_n>