Better Rebinder provides an easy and intuitive way to rebind your inputs with the new Input System for Unity.
You can also use the "Install from Git URL" option from Unity Package Manager to install the package.
- open Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
- add a new Scoped Registry (or edit the existing OpenUPM entry)
Scope(s) com.cysharp.unitask
- click Save or Apply
- open Window/Package Manager
- click +
- select Add package by name... or Add package from git URL...
- paste com.studio23.ss2.betterrebinder into name
- click Add
Simply find the Input Rebind Canvas prefab, drag it into the scene and assign your desired Input Action Asset in the RebindMenu component. Once that's done, use the context menu action and click on Generate Rebind Elements to spawn in and setup your rebinding actions in the UI and you're good to go!
Note: You must implement IsDirty property for ISavables
Loading data is as simple as calling the LoadMethod.