Natural Stimulus Neuroimaging Toolbox(NSNT) is aimed to provide toolbox to analysis fMRI data which was induced by natural stimulus.
Undertake major calculation.
Main function:
- Cal ISFC, ISC, FC and others.
- Cal info of data and result, like global waveform.
- Evaluate the parcellation/clustering results.
Load data from file, save data into file.
Main function:
- Read brain data and data info(like golbal_waveform.dat file). (Note: should specify the input arg.)
- Save result as brain map.
- Read result.
- Save image into file.
- Save movie into file.
- Create label by vertex or index(based on atlas).
- Read data by label.
- Specify io function in every file.
Plot image based on defferent input arg.
Main function:
- plot brain map.
- plot global waveform and meanval.
- plot head motion parameters.
Provide small but necessary function.
Main function:
- adjacency tools, returning faces, edges adj matrix and so on.
- data stats, show the stats of data and some func to operate data.
- matrix tools, operating adj matrix or time series matrix.
- utils, other tools.
- others that need to be specified.