A c# utility to convert decimal CSV values to an OLS format.
It does :
- Convert decimal values from the CSV to binary where binary high (true, 1) is any value HIGHER THAN the --highsignal parameter
- Use specific CSV columns (channels) into the output
-f or --frequency <decimal frequency>[unit]
Default: 100MHz
Specify the frequency of the data sampling from the CSV in order to have the right timing in your OLS clientwhere unit could be :
- Hz (default if omited)
- KHz
- MHz
- GHz
eg. 1 = 1Hz
2.3MHz -
-c or --channels
Default: 1
List of columns within the CSV to use as channels into OLS output starting from 1 and delimited with by a comma (eg. 1,3 mean column 1 and 3)See -d or --delimiter to set the channels delimiter
-hs or --highsignal
Default: 0.1
Decimal value use to convert the CSV decimal value to binary. A decimal value HIGHER THAN this parameter will return a binary high (true, 1) otherwise a binary low (false, 0) -
-d or --delimiter
Default: ,
String use as the delimiter to split a CSV line into columns -
-s or --skipline
Default: 2
Number of lines to skip from the top (0 mean none, 1 the first line will be skip)
Note: Current implementation expect you to feed the content of the CSV into the utility (into stdin). So you should use it such as :
CSV2OLS.exe < input.csv > output.osv
Public domain