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- React
- Redux-Toolkit
- Material UI
- Framer Motion
- React-Spinners
- React-Toastify
- React-Google-Login
1. Fetching products
2. Displaying Products
3. Display num of cart items on navBar Cart Icon
4. Adding Products to Cart
5. Increment / Decrement cart items
6. Remove indivisual cart items
7. Clear Cart
8. Final Price Calculation
9. ReduxToolKit integrated in all Cart-operations
10. Google Login
11. Google Logout
12. Filter Products based on categories
12. Bounce animation on Products main page (Framer motion)
12. React spinners while making API calls
14. Slide animations on cart page (Framer Motion)
15. Toasts on placing Order
16. Toasts on Clearing Cart
17. Toasts on removing indivisual items from cart
- Upcomming Features 3. Mobile Responsiveness