This package is to check if the given country-code/country-name is part of the EU (European Union) or EEA (European Economic Area).
npm i eu-country-check
yarn add eu-country-check
import { isEUCountry, isEEACountry } from "eu-country-check";
console.log(isEUCountry("040")); // { name: 'Austria', alpha2: 'AT', alpha3: 'AUT', numeric: '040' }
console.log(isEEACountry("NO")); // { name: 'Norway', alpha2: 'NO', alpha3: 'NOR', numeric: '578' }
console.log(isEUCountry("NO")); // undefined
console.log(isEEACountry("CA")); // undefined
eu-country-check contains 2 functions:
isEUCountry(countryCode: string)
isEEACountry(countryCode: string)
~ "countryCode" is required parameter that could be name, alpha2, alpha3 or numeric code.