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Alpha Testing Feedback

Brian Wylie edited this page May 25, 2023 · 3 revisions

The page captures feedback from our Alpha Users. We are extremely thankful for their involvement in the SageWorks project and their feedback will help drive future development efforts.

SageWorks Dashboard: DataSources SubPage

Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 11 12 40 AM Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 10 55 58 AM

General Review

The general takeaway was that the customer liked the overview/drill down nature of the web interface. They liked the violin plots of the numeric fields and the break out of unique values for the string/categorical fields. Also showing the numerical fields that had NO variance (like DNS version) was helpful because then we'd exclude those columns when making the SageWorks FeatureSet.

Suggestions for Improvements

The customer really liked the seeing the 'least common' value for attributes like 'NULL' in dns_rrtype and the uncommon values in dns_flags and dns_rcode. BUT... they wanted to be able to 'click' those things and automatically be shown the rows from their data had those values. So if they clicked on a particular value that would become a query select * from data_table where column = value

Options for when user clicks on values

  1. Pops up a new Athena windows with that query pre-loaded (don't know how to do this yet)
  2. Interface brings up a new table component (like the sample rows in the middle) and show the results right there....

The customer has expressed that BOTH options would be useful... New Athena Window is more powerful/flexible.. and the new table option is easy/fast.
