URDF description and Gazebo plugins to simulate Velodyne laser scanners
- URDF with colored meshes
- Gazebo plugin based on gazebo_plugins/gazebo_ros_ray_sensor
- Publishes PointCloud2 with same structure (x, y, z, intensity, ring, time)
- Simulated Gaussian noise
- GPU acceleration (with known issues)
- Supported models:
- Experimental support for clipping low-intensity returns
URDF transform from parent link.parent
URDF parent link name. Defaultbase_link
URDF model name. Also used as tf frame_id for PointCloud2 output. Defaultvelodyne
PointCloud2 output topic name. Default/velodyne_points
Update rate in hz. Default10
Number of vertical spinning lasers. DefaultVLP-16: 16, HDL-32E: 32
Nuber of horizontal rotating samples. DefaultVLP-16: 1875, HDL-32E: 2187
Organize PointCloud2 into 2D array with NaN placeholders, otherwise 1D array and leave out invlaid points. Defaultfalse
Minimum range value in meters. Default0.9
Maximum range value in meters. Default130.0
Gausian noise value in meters. Default0.008
Minimum horizontal angle in radians. Default-3.14
Maximum horizontal angle in radians. Default3.14
Use gpu_ray sensor instead of the standard ray sensor. Defaultfalse
The minimum intensity beneath which returns will be clipped. Can be used to remove low-intensity objects.
- At full sample resolution, Gazebo can take up to 30 seconds to load the VLP-16 pluggin, 60 seconds for the HDL-32E
- When accelerated with the GPU option, ranges are heavily quantized (image)
- Solution: Use CPU instead of GPU
- Gazebo cannot maintain 10Hz with large pointclouds
- Solution: User can reduce number of points (samples) or frequency (hz) in the urdf parameters, see example.urdf.xacro
- Gazebo crashes when updating HDL-32E sensors with default number of points. "Took over 1.0 seconds to update a sensor."
- Solution: User can reduce number of points in urdf (same as above)
ros2 launch velodyne_description example.launch.py
ros2 launch velodyne_description example.launch.py gpu:=true