Customizable npm packaged Angular2 tooltip component
#Requirements NodeJs
Angular2 version 2.4.3
#Usage Installing:
npm install angular2-tooltip --save
Adding to a Module:
import {NgModule} from "@angular/core";
import {ToolTipModule} from 'angular2-tooltip'
imports: [
Place attribute tooltip on to any html element which you want to display a tool tip for. [Similar to attribute disabled on to input element for disabling it].
<span tooltip content=”You can have any html or plain text content here”> </span>
<input tooltip content="any text here"/>
Class given in ngClass will be appended to the tooltip widget
content (mandatory): string
Any HTML content or text which needs to displayed as tootip
ngToolTipClass (optional) : string
Class for customizing the tool tip display. This class will be appended to the tooltip element on display.
showOnClick (optional) : boolean (default : false)
Set this option to true if you want to show tooltip on click. Tooltip will be hidden on move leave.
autoShowHide (optional) : boolean (default : true)
Set this option to false if you want to manage tooltip show and hide by your self. You need to call showTooltip() and hideTooltip() explicitly by passing required parameters (Use this option with care, absolute position (x and y) has to calculated by yourselfssss)
beforeShow : ToolTipComponent
This event is emitted just before the tooltip is displayed. Returns the instance of tooltip.
show : ToolTipComponent
This event is emitted just after the tooltip is displayed. Returns the instance of tooltip.
beforeHide : ToolTipComponent
This event is emitted just before the tooltip is going to hide. Returns the instance of tooltip.
hide : ToolTipComponent
This event is emitted just before the tooltip is hidden. Returns the instance of tooltip.
#Test Component
To test or check the working of this component, clone from git repository.
git clone
npm install
typings install
npm test
This will start webpack server in 3000 port. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to view and check the component.
#Change Log
Click Here to view the change log of npm releases
#Help Or Need any Enhancements?
Submit a issue in github with details of your problems. You can also use Plunker. Donot forget to mention the AngularJS2 version which you are using.