우리누리는 조직 내에서 릴리즈 노트를 공유할 수 있는 쉽고 효율적인 프로그램입니다.
S/W 개발팀, 제품 관리 팀 등 다른 그룹에 관계없이 릴리즈 노트가 필요한 모든 곳에 빠르게 전달할 수 있습니다.
각 기능별로 브랜치를 구분합니다. 우리누리는 아직 미출시 제품이므로 주로 feature에서 기능별로 구현한 뒤, develop에 merge하는 방식으로 진행했습니다. 나중에 완성되면 master로 올리고 다음 버전이나 버그를 수정해야할 때 release와 hotfix브랜치를 생성하여 진행할 예정입니다.
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URINURI is a powerful and efficient in-house release note sharing system designed to streamline the process of sharing release notes within your organization. Whether you are a software development team, a product management team, or any other group that needs to communicate release information, URINURI is here to simplify and enhance your workflow.
This repository contains the code for the Spring Boot server used in the OurNuri project. It is structured to facilitate easy access based on the main features and whether they have controllers.
This repository contains the code related to the functionalities implemented through the ChatGPT API.
This repository contains the code related to project management.
This repository contains the code related to release notes and comment systems.
This repository contains the code related to user management and associated functionalities.
This repository contains code that interacts with other functionalities or has reusability, although it does not have controllers.