Also available as a part of my SwiftUI+ Collection – just add it to Xcode 13+
A package for simplifying the user of the camera and the user's photo library in SwiftUI.
- Dynamic property wrappers for fetching media from the photo library
- Camera modifier for easily taking a photo
- ImagePicker modifier for allowing the user to pick a photo from their library
Note: Permission requests and Info.plist values are not handled by this framework. You should use the standard UI to perform these actions as usual.
Fetch all asset collections of a given type and subtype:
// Its not necessary to `import Photos` as the framework does this for you.
import Media
struct AlbumsView: View {
@FetchAssetCollection(album: .album, kind: .albumRegular)
private var albums
var body: some View {
List(albums) { album in
Text(album.localizedTitle ?? "")
For camera or image picker implementations:
@State private var takePhoto: Bool = false
@State private var chooseFromLibrary: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 20) {
Button {
takePhoto = true
} label: {
Text("Take a photo")
.camera(isPresented: $takePhoto) { result in
print(try! result.get())
Button {
chooseFromLibrary = true
} label: {
Text("Choose from Library")
.imagePicker(isPresented: $chooseFromLibrary) { result in
print(try! result.get())
The property wrapper has heavily inspired by the new FetchRequest
provided by SwiftUI. As such, it conforms to RandomAccessCollection
allowing it to be used in all the same places, e.g. List
, ForEach
, etc...
This greatly simplifies the use of the photos framework library when integrating into a SwiftUI package.
Since the library is also a dynamic
property, updates occuring in the users library are automatically tracked and reflecting in your SwiftUI views.
The property wrapper initializers provide various overrides to ensure you can customize the queries you need to perform.
In cases where a convenience initializer hasn't been provided, you can simply pass your own PHFetchOptions
private static var options: PHFetchOptions = {
let options = PHFetchOptions()
options.predicate = ...
return options
private var custom
album: .smartAlbum,
filter: NSPredicate(
format: "NOT (assetCollectionSubtype IN %@)",
) var albums
list: .smartFolder,
kind: .any
) private var folders
// You can instantiate your results during init:
private var assets: MediaResults<PHAsset>
// Or, if you already have a set of results from a `PHFetchResult<PHAsset>` instance:
private var assets
// Alternatively, if you have a `PHAssetCollection` instance:
@FetchAssetList(in: collection)
private var assets
There are multiple overrides for all of the above to allow for most customizations, alternatively you can pass a PHFetchOptions
instance yourself as mentioned above.
The primary purpose of this library is to simplify the usage of the Photos
framework in SwiftUI applications. As such, permission requests and mutations are not included.
Those APIs are not an issue that needs fixing by this library.
Instead you should continue to use the existing APIs available via the Photos
framework. Since the use of Photos
types is required, the library automatically imports Photos
for you so adding an additional import is redundant.
The code is packaged as a framework. You can install manually (by copying the files in the Sources
directory) or using Swift Package Manager (preferred)
To install using Swift Package Manager, add this to the dependencies
section of your Package.swift
.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "1.0.0"))
Note: The package requires iOS v13+
If you want easy access to this and more packages, add the following collection to your Xcode 13+ configuration: