Balancing Robot
This is a code repository for a self-balancing robot that was developed as a part of an undergraduate project. The robot is capable of balancing itself using feedback control and can move in a straight line with the help of two wheels.
To build and run the code, you'll need the following components:
Arduino UNO R3 or compatible board
MPU6050 6-axis gyroscope and accelerometer module
L293D motor driver IC
Two DC motors with wheels
9V battery or power supply
Jumper wires and breadboard
To install the code, follow these steps:
Clone the repository or download the ZIP file and extract it to a folder. Open the balancing_robot.ino file in the Arduino IDE. Connect the Arduino board to your computer using a USB cable. Compile and upload the code to the board using the Arduino IDE. Connect the MPU6050 module and the motors to the board as shown in the circuit diagram. Power up the board and the robot should start balancing itself. Usage Once the robot is powered up and balanced, you can control its movement using the f
To move forward, tilt the robot slightly forward using your hand. To move backward, tilt the robot slightly backward. To turn left or right, tilt the robot to the left or right.
Here is a Video of the Robot in Action at its early stages