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Advanced Machine Learning Links


Students should have basic understanding of the following concepts as per mentioned by the course in the Intro of this playlist.

  • Linear Algebra
  • Statistics
  • Random Variables
  • Stochastic Processes
  • Optimization for Static and Dynamic Systems
  • Image Processing

Supplements of this course

  • Convex and Non-Convex Optimization
  • Estimation Theory

Important Books to study to prepare notes of the lecture series here (which are highly recommended as well):

  • Pattern Classification - Richard O' Duda

  • Statistical Pattern Recognition - Fukunaga

  • Machine Learning - A Probablistic Perspective by Kevin Murphy

  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop

  • The Elements of Statistical Learning(Data Mining, Interference and Prediction) - Robert Tibshirani

  • A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition - Luc Devroye

  • Generative Methods

    • Principal Component Analysis-I.T.Jolliffe
    • Independent Component Analysis-Errkki Oja
  • Generative Methods for Classification

    • Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition - Geoffrey J McLACHLAN
  • Clustering and Unsupervised Learning

    • Finite Mixture Models - Geoffrey J McLACHLAN
    • The EM Algorithm and Extensions- Geoffrey J McLACHLAN
  • Graphical Models

    • Probabilitistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques - DAPHNE KOLLER
    • Probabilitistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems - Judea Pearl
  • Statistical Learning

    • Statistical Learning Theory - Vapnik
    • The Nature of the Statistical Learning Theory - Vapnik
    • Spline Models for observation of data - Grace Wahba
    • Learning from Data - Yaser S Abu Mustafa and his Lectures' playlist on Youtube
    • Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis - John Shawe
  • Functional Data Analysis

    • Functional Data Analysis - J.O Ramsey
  • Deep Learning

    • Deep Learning - Ian GoodFellow
  • Combining Classifiers

    • Combining Pattern Classifiers - Ludmila Kuncheva
  • Some Other Books to Read for Understanding the content of the above book required for ML Topics

  • General Reads:Related to What we're reading/learning from this course

    • Godel, Escher, Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid - Douglas R Hofstadter
    • The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior - Von Neumann
    • The Book of Why - Judea Pearl
    • The Society of Mind - Marvin Minsky
    • From Bacteria to Bach and Back - The evolution of minds - Daniel C. Dennett
    • Advice for a young investigator - Ramon y Cajal


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