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Repository files navigation

SmartCommit aims at making "code commit" an elegant and decent daily work for developers.

As advocated by many communities (e.g., Git official doc, Angular contribution instructions) and companies (e.g., Google's engineering practices), developers are encouraged to submit cohesive and self-contained commits, accompanying with clear and informative commit messages.

SmartCommit is the assistant for you to follow this best practice.

Specifically, it helps you to:

  • Organize your local changes into groups, each of which is expected to focus on one specific task.
  • Review and stage fine-grained code changes within an intuitive GUI, in the forms of code hunks or files.
  • Commit and push multiple commits with one single click, saving the effort to type git-status, git-diff, git-add, git-commit and git-push commands.

Note: This repo is the change decomposition&suggestion algorithm of SmartCommit, some additional features (like intent classification and message suggestion) are excluded in the public version. Check the SmartCommit repo for the demo GUI client.

As a User


  • macOS/Windows/Linux
  • Java JRE 8+
  • Git ^2.20.0


1. JAR Usage

Download the latest jar from releases, or build one with gradle fatJar -x test, and run the following command:

java -jar SmartCommit-xxx.jar [OPTIONS]


Usage: SmartCommit [options]
    -r, --repo
      Absolute root path of the target Git repository.
      Default: <empty string>
    -w, --working
      Analyze the current working tree (default).
      Default: true
    -c, --commit
      Analyze a specific commit by providing its ID.
      Default: <empty string>
    -o, --output
      Specify the path to output the result.
      Default: /Users/symbolk/.smartcommit/repos
    -ref, --detect-refactoring
      Whether to enable refactoring detection, true/false.
      Default: true
    -gr, --granularity
      Set the atomic unit/granularity of change: {hunk: 0 (default), member: 
      1, class: 2, package: 3}.
      Default: 0
    -ms, --min-similarity
      Set the minimal similarity between change, [0.0, 1.0].
      Default: 0.8
    -nj, --process-non-java
      Whether to further process non-java changes,  true/false.
      Default: true
    -wt, --weight-threshold
      Set the threshold for partitioning (if not specified or 0.0, use the 
      max-gap splitter), [0.0, 1.0].
      Default: 0.0

2. API Usage

The entry class SmartCommit provides the following APIs to use programmatically:

API for initialization:

* Initial setup for analysis
* @param repoName repo name
* @param repoPath absolute local repo path
* @param tempDir temporary directory path for intermediate and final result
SmartCommit(String repoName, String repoPath, String tempDir)

API for analyzing changes:

* Analyze the current working directory of the repository
* @return suggested groups <id:group>
* @throws Exception
Map<String, Group> analyzeWorkingTree()

* Analyze a specific commit of the repository for decomposition
* @param commitID the target commit hash id
* @return suggested groups <id:group>
* @throws Exception
Map<String, Group> analyzeCommit(String commitID)

API for exporting the result:

* Save meta information of each group, including diff hunk ids, commit msgs, etc. 
* @param generatedGroups generated groups <id:group>
* @param outputDir output directory path
void exportGroupResults(Map<String, Group> generatedGroups, String outputDir)

* Generate and save the detailed content of diff hunks for each group
* @param results generated groups <id:group>
* @param outputDir output directory path
void exportGroupDetails(Map<String, Group> results, String outputDir)

Options & Arguments:

// whether to enable refactoring detection
void setDetectRefactorings(boolean detectRefactorings)

// whether to group changes in non-java textual files by type
void setProcessNonJavaChanges(boolean processNonJavaChanges)

// override the threshold for edge weight filtering (default: 0.0, use the dynamic threshold)
void setWeightThreshold(Double weightThreshold) 

// override the minimum similarity considered (default: 0.8, high-similarity)
void setMinSimilarity(double minSimilarity) 

// override the maximum distance between diff hunks (default: 0, hunk-level)
void setMaxDistance(int maxDistance)

As a Developer


  • maxOS/Windows/Linux
  • Java JDK 8+
  • Git ^2.20.0
  • Gradle ^6.2.1
  • IntelliJ IDEA 2020 (with Gradle integration)

Environment Setup

  1. Open the cloned repository as a project with IntelliJ IDEA;

  2. Resolve dependencies by clicking the refresh button in the Gradle tab, or use gradle build -x test;


Run CLI.main() to see CLI options, or modify and run Main.main() for API usage.


Run the following command under the root of the cloned repository to build an executable jar from source with all dependencies packaged:

gradle fatJar

Packaged jar file will be generated in build\libs, with the name SmartCommit-xxx.jar.

Project Structure

   ├─client // interface
   │  ├─SmartCommit     // entry class
   ├─core   // core algorithms
   │  ├─visitor         // tree visitors 
   │  ├─RepoAnalyzer    // analyzing the repository to collect change info
   │  ├─GraphBuilder    // building entity reference graph from source code
   │  └─GroupGenerator  // building and generate groups from diff hunk graph
   ├─model  // data structure
   │  ├─constant    // enum constants
   │     ├─ChangeType   // types of textual change actions
   │     ├─ContentType  // types of change content
   │     ├─FileStatus   // status of changed files
   │     ├─FileType     // types of changed files
   │     ├─GroupLabel   // intent label of groups
   │     ├─Operation    // types of semantic change operations 
   │     └─Version      // old and new version tags
   │  ├─diffgraph   // diff hunk graph definition
   │     ├─DiffNode     // node definition
   │     ├─DiffEdge     // edge definition
   │     └─DiffEdgeType // edge types
   │  ├─entity  // program entities
   │  ├─graph   // entity reference graph
   │     ├─Node         // node definition
   │     ├─Edge         // edge definition
   │     ├─NodeType     // node types
   │     └─EdgeType     // edge types
   │  ├─Action  // semantic change action
   │  ├─Hunk            // single-side hunk model
   │  ├─DiffFile        // changed file model
   │  ├─DiffHunk        // diff hunk model
   │  ├─EntityPool      // pool of all involved entities
   │  └─Group           // generated group model
   ├─io         // input and output
   │  ├─DataCollector   // collect data from repository 
   │  ├─TypeProvider    // label provider for visualizing entity reference graph
   │  ├─DiffTypeProvider// label provider for visualizing of diff hunk graph 
   │  └─GraphExporter   // graph visualization in dot format
   └─util       // general utils
       ├─diffparser     // parsing and splitting diff hunks from GNU diff 
       ├─GitService     // wrapping git functions
       ├─JDTService     // delegating jdt parser
       └─Utils          // other utils