Releases: SynapseSL/SynapseOld
Version 1.3.0 with many new API Features
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet package)
+ Scp106Controller
+ Scp079Controller
+ PocketDimensionLeave Event
+ Scp096AddTarget Event
+ Translation.ReloadTranslation()
+ ShootEvent
+ MapPoint Object
+ Dummy Object
+ Warhead.OutsitePanel
+ Warhead.Enabled
+ Server.GetObjectof<UnityObject>()
+ Player.HideRank
+ Player.ToString()
+ Player.Fraction
+ Player.DeathPosition
+ Player.AliveTime
+ Player.AuthToken
+ Player.ChangeRoleAtPosition(RoleType role)
+ Player.CurrentItem
+ Round.MtfTickets
+ Round.ChaosTickets
+ Round.GrantMtfTickets(int tickets, bool overrideLocks = false)
+ Round.GrantChaosTickets(int tickets, bool overrideLocks = false)
* fixed UnJail
- Player.showtag()
- Player.hidetag()
SCP:SL Update (v.10.0.2)
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet package)
+ PlayerThrowGrenadeEvent
* update to Scp:SL v.10.0.2
The Macro-Release
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet package)
+ PlayerHealEvent
+ Player.DropAllItems()
+ Scp106CreatePortalEvent
+ Player.DoNotTrack
+ Player.DimScreen()
+ Player.ShakeScreen()
+ override Reloadconfigs method in Plugin class
+ KeyPressEvent (Activates when a Player press a Key and synced his binds)
+ Server.GetObjectsOf<UnityObject>()
+ PluginInfo Command
+ Plugins Command
+ Map.SpawnWorkStation()
+ Map.SpawnRagdoll()
* ReloadCommand and ReloadPermissions are now modular
* Fixed a Bug which prevents opening Scp-079 Generators
* Typo fix: RoundLength
- removed bug which prevents ClientCommands to function
Common Bug Fixes
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet package)
* Fixed SpeakingScps
* Fixed SynapseModLoader to be included in Publiczied DLL
* Fixed Generator Event
* General Code Inspection and fixes
SCP:SL Update (v.10.0.1)
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet package)
* Fix bug that commandsender.GetPlayer() had Issues to get the Server
* Update to game version 10.0.1
* Fix the patcher to now properly publiczing everything
Modular Command System
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet)
+ Map.IntercomText
+ Player.DisplayName
+ Player.Ping
+ Added Support for Base Game Modular Command System (Wiki entry will follow soon!)
* Categorized all Harmony Patches
* Removed SM from ServerName Tracking
* Remote KeyCard should work now properly
ReloadCommand bug fixed
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet)
bug fixed that you have to use reloadconfigs twice
Synaspe v1.0.1 and v1.0.0 are fully compatible with each other and all plugins just a small fixed the order of loading configs
First Release of Synapse!!
First official Release of Synapse!!
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use if you dont have installed the NuGet)
Next Pre Release
In the you find the files required for installing Synapse on a Server.
In the you find the files required for patching a new Assembly-CSharp.dll and a Assembly-CSharp-Synapse_publicised.dll (for development use)
Note: This Version is compatible and tested with Version Scopophobia Public Beta 21+. Recommended Version is: first Release Candidate
The attached Assembly-CSharp is for the latest Version, older versions require selfpatching.
+ static class Synapse
+ Synapse.Version
* All Functions of MainLoader and SynaspeManager are moved to Synapse
* Player.CurRoom are now Player.Room
- bug that Map.Rooms doesnt contain the Surface as Room
Update to the new Beta for more informations see the last Release